About Us

Founded in September 2016, Chamber of Trade & Industry is a purely non-political organisation that encompasses under its umbrella all trade, industry, transport and services, associations and Individual as its members.

We believe that holistic development is possible with true economic growth only by integrating all businesses & services together.

In our endeavour to bring qualitative change in the overall environment and mindset of the business community and the government, we strive to develop government and business dialogue continually for mutual benefit.

With the aim of developing entrepreneurship with enhanced knowledge across the world, we strive to develop vision & development documents with action plans for each sector of each vertical of trade, industry and services.

Our mission

We envision India as the epicentre of entrepreneurial growth. To make India a technologically advanced manufacturing hub, world-class trading and services centre which is business-friendly, has a robust infrastructure, supported by a simplified and practical tax system, and a transparent, accountable and corruption-free government.

Our experience

Business 99%
Finance 95%


An entrepreneur plays a very important role in the economic development of the country by starting new businesses, creating jobs, and contributing to improvement in various key areas such as GDP, exports, standard of living, skills development and community development.

A successful entrepreneur is always a calculated risk taker who puts in everything to make his business successful, be it finance, time or efforts.

A successful business not only benefits him but generates employment for many others and adds to the growth of the economy.

Therefore it is upon governments to provide him a conducive environment to operate. An environment that protects him from unwarranted and unforeseen risks like sealing, demonetisation and sudden changes and complications of tax regime.

An entrepreneur should be seen as a partner of the government who helps in the path of achieving national economic goals.